Carnegie Mellon University
CMS Demo Site

CMU Parent Organization

Content Area - Test Staging

There are four types of content areas to consider:

You may add multiple content areas to a page and rearrange them as needed.


More Content Below Horizontal Rule

In a Content (WYSIWYG) you may place text, images, media, and more. In addition, you have the option to include:

  • Sidebars (at right); three types: Link List, Event List, WYSIWYG
  • Expand/Collapse section (below)
Expand/Collapse sections are useful for FAQs or for a lot of content that can be "chunked" into individual topics. You may create a list of headings or questions and when each item is clicked on, additional information is expanded.

Expand/Collapse items are WYSIWYGs, so you can include text, images, media and more.

Scotty walking with new graduate at commencement

Please visit the following websites for more examples of Expand/Collapse:

2 Column Card Grid

All grids are the same width but may contain 2-4 columns in different styles and have an unlimited number of rows. A grid must contain a minimum of one box of content.

There are different types of grids.

  • Photo (with link and text overlay options)
  • News (pick articles from your site or pull in an RSS feed for freshly updated content)
  • Card (boxes of WYSIWYGs)
  • Mixed (combination of WYSIWYG, Photo, Link List, and Event List - use a different type for each box!)

This is a Card Grid

Card grids are boxes of WYSIWYG content areas used for text, media, images, and more. Below is a YouTube video.


Gates Center

Slide 1

Choose multiple photos (2 minimum) and enter text content into a WYSIWYG for each photo. Recommended image size is 700w; all images should be the same dimensions.

The Clock

Slide 2

Choose multiple photos (2 minimum) and enter text content into a WYSIWYG for each photo. Recommended image size is 700w; all images should be the same dimensions.

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Slide 3

Choose multiple photos (2 minimum) and enter text content into a WYSIWYG for each photo. Recommended image size is 700w; all images should be the same dimensions.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Content type Wide is one giant WYSIWYG! Ideal for images and media, not ideal for paragraphs of text.